The Prepared Patient Podcast

PCOS & Progesterone What You Need To Know & Recommendations.

January 03, 2024 Dr. Jennifer Jeanty
PCOS & Progesterone What You Need To Know & Recommendations.
The Prepared Patient Podcast
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The Prepared Patient Podcast
PCOS & Progesterone What You Need To Know & Recommendations.
Jan 03, 2024
Dr. Jennifer Jeanty

Did you know that so many people are suffering with PCOS and many are not aware of the culprit that can help them manage this condition and the symptoms?

Did you know the powerful benefits of natural progesterone and how many hormonal imbalance symptoms can be addressed with a healthy dose of progesterone?

I know many focus on estrogen, testosterone and if they are receiving progesterone is usually the synthetic form. In this episode we discussed the information you need to know in order for you and your doctor to start addressing many of your symptoms. Take a listen!

Do not forget to download the Hormonal Balancer Recipe Guide

Schedule your Free Natural Assessment Call
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P.S. We are accepting new patients and we do out of network insurance verification

Show Notes Transcript

Did you know that so many people are suffering with PCOS and many are not aware of the culprit that can help them manage this condition and the symptoms?

Did you know the powerful benefits of natural progesterone and how many hormonal imbalance symptoms can be addressed with a healthy dose of progesterone?

I know many focus on estrogen, testosterone and if they are receiving progesterone is usually the synthetic form. In this episode we discussed the information you need to know in order for you and your doctor to start addressing many of your symptoms. Take a listen!

Do not forget to download the Hormonal Balancer Recipe Guide

Schedule your Free Natural Assessment Call
Link: :

Email us any inquiries at:

P.S. We are accepting new patients and we do out of network insurance verification

you are listening. Listening to the prepared patient podcast with Dr. Jennifer GNC, where we discuss what it really takes to heal your body. With the symbol tools we source is a mindset to get you there. I am determined to show you the reality of navigating the medical space as a patient caregiver and loved ones. So you can be empowered and take back the most precious and important asset of your life, which is your health. Let's get ready. Comfortable and get started Hello. Hello. Hello. Happy. Wednesday. It is Wednesday. It is. How we doing? Hopefully you guys are doing amazing. You had a fantastic Christmas. I know I did. I don't know how much you saw of, my stories for Christmas. I did absolutely nothing. I asked my loved ones. To just give me the peace of quiet, to give me the gift of peace, the gift of quiet, and I did nothing. Which was amazing for my central nervous system regulation. Amazing for my brain, amazing for my hormones, amazing for my health. I literally read iJournal and I did nothing. I allowed my loved ones to Wait on me and take care of me like I was the queen like I like the queen that I am So because sometimes we tend to go go go and take care of everybody else at the expense of our own health So for Christmas, I did nothing. I laid around all day long. I Moved about I did some yoga I ate, I drank water, I had my smoothies, I read, I journaled, I did some reflections, I did a lot of activities that are soothing. To your body and to the mind and I love it and I think that's what I'm gonna do every year It's either I'm gonna go away That's the goal or I'm just gonna continue asking my family to just take care of me and allow them to do all the great Things I give them a list of all the things that I want and they just have to execute. All right, so Welcome back to a Hormone Imbalance mini series. If this is your first time seeing any of my Facebook lives, or if you follow me on Instagram, I did a live on Instagram earlier today. My name is Dr. Jennifer Jensee, and I am a functional medicine doctor, holistic medicine, natural medicine doctor. I just love all things natural. I love helping my patients get off medications if that's what they want to do. I help them. Identify other ways of healing the body. It doesn't require a pill or potion, even with supplements. If you come to me with a bag of supplements, I'm literally gonna scream. I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna run away. Not really. But I am, like, we don't need to replace medications with supplements, Because Even supplements can backfire on you, even supplements can literally give you, you know, add to your toxic load and just have a negative effect. So as a functional medicine doctor, holistic medicine doctor, my job is to Do three things first is to identify the root cause of whatever symptoms illness is a disease you're faced with It doesn't matter. There's a cause for everything The second is to educate you on your symptoms so you can become an educated consumer That's what we're doing today. And the third is to customize individualize the treatment plans and programs That you know will benefit you now We cannot use a one size fits all, And then when it comes to functional medicine, holistic medicine, there's constant monitoring that has to be done by your practitioner. So I am NOT one of the doctors that will just hand you a pill and I'll see you in three months. If you're one of my patients watching this Facebook live, you know what I'm talking about. We will check on you on a weekly basis. You have access to us, you know, so but when it comes to healing your body, it's not just here's a pill. Goodbye. you have to identify the cause and you also have to reconnect with yourself, learn about your symptoms, learn about your body, even with medications, even with supplements, like how does your body react to these things. So you really have to have a deep connection with your body, listen to your body because symptoms are ways of your body communicating with yourself. and then of course you gotta find the treatment that works for you. If you're doing something right now, you're getting, the results as long as you follow recommendations because so often people will come to me, they want to heal, But they're not willing to do the work. So you have to follow recommendations. You have to really work on the mindset, develop mental toughness because healing your body naturally is not as, it's the most beautiful thing you can do. It is the most. Huh, effective thing you can do, but at the same time, we have to decondition. We have to dismantle our minds because we are, you know, we grew up in a society that tells us all these things are normal. Just take a pill. You'll be fine. With every aches and pains, just run to your doctor. You'll be fine. So you really have to do some work and just know, knowing that the things that you are facing with right now is not an emergency. Unless you're having a stroke, please, please, please, if you have a stroke, you're having a heart attack, whatever, go to the emergency room. If you have questions, if you, something is happening to you and you're not sure, yes, call your doctor, ask questions. But sometimes when we have aches and pains or our hormones are imbalanced, or we have like, you know, the flu and we have the cold, like right now, COVID is back, like we have those symptoms. like sinus congestions or you have allergies, we always want to get an antibiotic. So we always have to make sure that we stop, control our nervous system, find out what happened 24 hours before experiencing the symptoms, and then what can we do to decrease the symptoms. But today I want to talk to you about progesterone and PCOS. Again, if this is your first time watching me, I've been, we are in the middle of Running a hormone imbalance miniseries. I've done four so far. The first one was what the heck is hormonal imbalance? It means nothing. The second one was the testing we need to do for hormones because many of us are getting the wrong testings We are getting serum testing which is the worst test, you know when it comes to hormones is not the most effective one Please don't do serum testing make sure you are doing saliva testing and for some patients with you know, different medical conditions I would recommend Like endometriosis, I would recommend urine metabolite testing. So, again, you have to go back. I go in full details about the testings, the pros and the cons, the advantages and disadvantages of all three testings, right? We have serum, which is not telling us the true, true picture of your hormones. Yes. Many of us are doing serum testing, plasma testing, You go to LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics, you do the, you look, they look at the liquid, they examine the liquid of your blood and they do total estrogen. If you catch the live, the Facebook live that I did last week, or you listen to the podcast, the prepared patient podcast, you heard me mention there are three types of estrogen. We have E1, Estrone, E2, Estradiol, which is the one that we really need to look at, and then E3, which is Estriol. Like, there's a certain time of your, there's a certain phase of your health where you have to produce different estrogen, We don't, we don't need estriol if we're not pregnant because that estrogen is produced by the placenta. We don't need estrum. We need estradiol, which is the most common estrogen in the body, but most often people are not being tested for it. So that's why many of us still suffer from hormonal imbalance despite taking estrogen. The hormonal treatment the bioidentical treatment and last week. I also talked about what else did I talk about? Estrogen I talked about PCM PMS, if you're if If you still have bleeding you still have bleeds or not It doesn't matter and you suffer with PMS, which is two weeks prior to getting you know That those symptoms starts two weeks prior to getting your menstrual cycles, and then you kind of diminish as you get your bleed as you start bleeding, that's PMS. I talked about the four types of PMS. PMS A, PMS C, PMS D, and PMS H. Again, you can catch all the replays of this Hormonal Imbalance miniseries on the podcast, the Prepared Patient Podcast. you can find it on our platform, But today I want to talk to you about progesterone. Now, we all focus on estrogen, Like estrogen, estrogen. perimenopause estrogen, premenopause estrogen, postmenopause estrogen. What about progesterone? It's two things we heard, you know, people talk about estrogen and progest and testosterone. Not so often patients are talking about progesterone, but guess what? I have to tell you, progesterone happens to be a lovely hormone and I really like progesterone. There are two hormones that I really, really, really, really like is progesterone and DHEA and I can do a Facebook live about DHEA. And because progesterone has just like estrogen has, you know, receptor sites all over your body, estrogen has over 400, functions in the body, I mean, we need estrogen, but I found that not too many people are deficient in estrogen. In fact, people with PCOS, which we're going to talk about in a few minutes, people with endometriosis or fibroids, Fibrocystic breast disease. They have too much estrogen, too much estrogen. So there are a lot of people that are walking around with way too much estrogen. And they keep, they kept getting prescribed estrogen, estrogen, estrogen. But I would love for you to really open your eyes and see the critical function of progesterone.? Now, when we talk about hormonal imbalance, we're talking about all the hormones you need to look at to balance. So that you can feel your best. As I mentioned, when I mentioned hormonal imbalance in the first hormonal mini series, we talked about how saying my hormones are out of rack or my hormones are imbalanced means nothing. You really have to do with the correct testing to identify which ones the severity of the imbalance. How low, how high, like, you know, is it like at the border to really know the dosage that your doctor should give you? Well, the doctor should know the dosage to give you to balance your hormones. Let's talk about progesterone. Now, I had a patient who came to my clinic not too long ago, who was prescribed. She was prescribed progesterone and I asked them like, which one? She was like, I don't know. My doctor said I need progesterone and she has endometriosis. Well, she has an IUD and it's not the copper one. It's the hormonal IUD, progesterone. But she didn't know there are two types of progesterone. Again, when you educate yourself, and you can literally look up the information, you'll know if my doctor is going to prescribe a hormone for me. I need to make sure that I'm not getting the synthetic one. aka fake hormones. I'm getting the bi identical, the natural one. So, progesterone is first, how does, you know, how do we produce progesterone? So, you're going to see me look, you're going to see me look into my right, maybe to your left, because I wrote notes. I don't want to miss anything. But progesterone, at the end of a woman's cycle, after she's done ovulating, the corpus luteum cells produce progesterone. Primarily, that's how we produce progesterone. If you have a uterus, you need progesterone. I'm just, I'm just going to say this from the very beginning. If you have a uterus, specifically if you have a uterus, you need progesterone. If you don't have a uterus, you still need progesterone because progesterone helps with the brain. It has brain protective effect, which you will see. so but there's a class of progest progestogens. So the class of progesterone, progesterone falls under the class of progestogens. So when I say progestogens, I'm talking about the two types. of progesterone. You have natural progesterone and you have progestins, Let me repeat myself. Progestogens, just like we have estrogen, estrogen has three. There are three types of estrogen. You have two types of progestogens. So the class, the name, the group is called progestogens,? But you have to make sure that you are literally taking the natural progesterone. Or, as I've seen with many of my patients, they are in progestins. So, progestins, which is the synthetic progesterone, which is the fake progesterone, we see it mostly in the hormonal, products like the pill, the birth control pills, the oral contraceptives and all hormonal IUDs. They all have fake progesterone called progestins. I need you to understand this. If you're on the pill, if your doctor prescribed the pill because you have heavy menstrual cycles or you have regular bleeds or you have menstrual hormonal acne, or, you know, you have. You're bleeding too much, that leads you to anemia or you have whatever issues, you know, reproductive issues you have. And the doctor prescribed the pill. I am letting you today, I'm letting you know today, you are literally getting fake synthetic progesterone called progestin. So what you need to do, you need to Google, Google, Google the medication that you're on right now because all oral contraceptive products have progestins and progestin is the fake progesterone. All hormonal IUDs, if it's not copper, has progestin. Progestin is the fake progesterone. Alright, I think you got it right now. Alright and Progestin do not act the same way as the natural progesterone You understand this as a matter of fact when you take those hormonal birth control pills or contraceptive whether you know You take it because again menstrual issues or not Hormonal acne or hormonal headaches or not or weight gain, whatever the, you know, the reasons why you're on this. I just want you to know that you are getting fake progesterone. You're not getting the natural progesterone. But now let's talk about the symptoms of low progesterone. Because you might be like, well, Dr. J, I got it. I'm gonna look at my medications right now. I'm on the pill. I'm gonna look at it right now. My doctor give me progesterone I'm gonna look at the you know, cream the patch or whatever, you know, the pill usually comes in pill form I'm gonna look at it right now, but let's talk about the symptoms of low progesterone Again, so many people focus on estrogen, postmenopausal estrogen, perimenopausal estrogen. Not too many people are talking about progesterone. I love me some All right, so symptoms of low progesterone are, symptoms are anxiety, depression, that was me, mood swings, irritability, a lot of inflammation. Difficulty sleeping. So, if you have perimenopause, postmenopause, and you have difficulty sleeping, I need you to check your progesterone, please. Like, do the hormonal panel, like I mentioned, two weeks, two weeks ago, saliva test is the preferred hormonal panel test, not the serum. I know the serum is covered by insurance. We don't do that because sometimes insurance doesn't cover the thing that's going to give us the information that we need to help heal our body. So we need to do saliva. It is the best money you'll spend because not only the saliva is going to give you the three types of estrogen, it's also going to give you the level of progesterone, testosterone, your stress hormones, cortisol and cortisone. So you need to know because stress has a lot to do with this hormonal imbalance as well. And we need to know when you're, you have the most stress. And that's why I love saliva because I can literally look at your result and say, oh, in the morning you're not producing a lot of cortisone. But in the afternoon you are. Or in the morning you're producing a lot, but in, in the evening you're not. So then we can literally give you treatments, like, you know, herb, herbal things, like, like I do with my patients, I have a herbal blend for stress, and I can literally instruct you to take it when I know you're producing cortisone. Saliva, When we do saliva testing, we also look to see which estrogen needs to be balanced. I think you got it. Go listen to the podcast about the right hormone testing. Very important. If you, I mean, I know you care about feeling better, that's why you're here. But I'm telling you, if 2024, the goal is for you to feel your best, to have your sexy back, to have your brain back, to have that body you've been dying for. Like literally I'm a walking talking of all that. you need to test your hormones You need to test your hormones do a full hormone panel pay the money find your practitioner to do the hormone panel. Serum will not give you true true true true true true true reflection of the hormones that are in your body Free hormones, bioavailable hormones. let's go back to progesterone. So, low progesterone if you have premenstrual headaches. If you have headaches before getting your menstrual cycle, your progesterone is low. I need you to check your progesterone, please. like you need to check your progesterone. Because I get so many patients coming to my clinic with hormonal acne and they always get headaches leading up to the bleed. You need to check your progesterone. Not everything is estrogen and testosterone. Check your progesterone. If you have low sexual desire, low libido. progesterone. If you're not producing good HDL, which is part of your lipids, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, Because we all focus on LDL. What about your good HDL? Because that's called your protective. That is a good one. That's protecting, you know, your arteries, your body, So you need to check your progesterone.. Cause last time I checked, there's no medication to increase your good HDL. You can increase that not only with diet, you know, omegas of course, but. Also progesterone. So we need good HDL now, but guess what? If you overdose as a patient on progesterone, although I just mentioned all the things, all the causes and the symptoms of low progesterone, you might be saying to yourself, well, I'm going to dose, I'm going to get tons of progesterone in my body. No, no, no, no, no. When it comes to hormonal imbalance, again, you have to have frequent testing, like I would recommend every three to four months, you do a hormonal panel, and your doctor monitoring your hormones. Because if you overdose on any of these hormones, whether it's estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, like DHEA, any of them, You can get exactly the same symptoms I just mentioned. So if you overdose on progesterone, which I've seen so many patients coming to me on hormonal IUDs that have progesterone and they feel like crap. You can have anxiety, depression, sleep difficulties, mood swings, like all the symptoms I just mentioned. You can have them all if you have way too much progesterone. That is why I'm telling you, when it comes to balance your hormones, it's not like a guessing game. It is not. If you really, truly want to balance your hormones and feel your best, you really have to have a tight grip on this. Monitoring. Now, causes of low progesterone. You might be like, okay, I got it, Dr. J. I know the signs and symptoms now, but what causes low progesterone? Well, the first one is not producing enough. Obviously, right? And the second one is too much estrogen. Again, you have to have a good balance. If you have too much, too little, something's going to give like, you're going to have too much estrogen, Little progesterone, too much progesterone, little estrogen. So you have to make sure you have a good balance. So too much estrogen, estrogen dominance, aka PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease. Repeating myself. Too much estrogen. Stress. That's why we need to look at your cortisol and cortisol hormones. Too much sugar. Ooh, all my sugar cravings, Like how patients, we just, Christmas was two days ago. Like we, we ate tons of Christmas cookies, did we? Actually, I didn't. I stayed in my room, as I mentioned, and I eat healthy. But I know many of us, uh, splurge, it's a holiday, we want to have fun, we eat, you know, a lot of sugar. So too much sugar, too much natural, too much saturated fats, like, aka poor diet, processed foods, the standard American diet, will decrease your progesterone. Antidepressant medications will decrease your progesterone. Low thyroid hormones. Because thyroid gland is the, is, the conductor for these hormones. You need your thyroid to work properly. So that is why when you check your hormones, you must always check your T, T3, reverse T3, your thyroid antibodies as well. Yes. You might have signs of hormonal imbalance, sex hormone imbalance, but trust me, you gotta, you gotta make sure that gland, that thyroid gland is working properly. All right. Vitamin deficiencies like zinc, vitamin B6, Like omegas, fatty acids, all this stuff. So that is why, if I haven't mentioned it, mentioned this, and you haven't, you know, catch me mentioning it. I have my hormone balancer recipes. That, uh, these recipes are packed with nutrients that will help feed your body to help you produce those natural hormones. Yes, you're gonna produce natural hormones, but you still have to identify the root cause. You still have to make sure that you know which hormones you need to be balanced. But dietary interventions Doing the dietary, I mean medications or hormonal replacement therapies do not replace dietary interventions What are you on all these things? You're doing all these things over here. You still have to eat healthy So my hormone balancer recipe if you have not got the link, it's free There's something there for breakfast lunch and dinner. There's a tea That I ask my patients to drink every morning. That's also in the hormone balancer recipes. I mean, we just, you know, this is the end of 2023. Christmas is gone. Thanksgiving is gone. I know. Next week is New Year's Day. New Year's Eve, Now everybody's gonna try to eat healthy and if you don't know where to start what to do. Thank you, Marilyn Marilyn just dropped the She's so good. Thank you, Marilyn. So you see the link here in the comment. Marilyn just dropped the link. You can start there I have something I have the tea as I mentioned I also have smoothies in there the way we eat or to balance our hormones is not the same way We eat for other health conditions You hear me? So if you're like, you know what? I'm just gonna get on a healthy eating plan. I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that You can start with the hormone balancer recipes. These ingredients are studied research to help your balance your hormones We start in the kitchen and then you can work with a practitioner like myself Or one that you you know you resonate with To do the hormonal panel testing, to see which hormones we can, balance, which hormones that you need to improve or decrease or detoxification, whatever. But you can start, like, as of tomorrow, all you have to do is click on the link, mail and drop, send us the information, you're giving us consent, And then you get the recipes and you can start tomorrow. Get you some breakfast, smoothies, something for lunch, like it's real food. We eat real food. Yes, I am one of the doctors who do not, you know, just play around with food. I'm a foodie, but okay, So low progesterone, We just mentioned a few Also for all of you guys that are taking L Arginine or Arginine for heart health and muscle building That can also decrease your progesterone. Again for the third time, remember if you have PMS, fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, PMDD If you have PCOS, I need you to look at your I think I'm done saying that. Endometriosis, I think I'm done saying that. You have way too much estrogen. Now you have to, now when you have too much of the fake synthetic progesterone called progestins, as I mentioned from the beginning of the live, you will experience the following symptoms. And these symptoms, if you're on birth control pills, the pills or IUDs, or you take the shot, the Depo shot, You will, you will recognize some of these symptoms. So, again, too much synthetic progesterone, called progestins. You have the following. Headaches, weight gain, fluid retention, depression, tiredness, bloating, breast tenderness, hair loss, acne, and progestins interfere with the body's own production of natural progesterone. Progestins, again, aka synthetic fake progesterone, do not balance estrogen because it is, again, fake. It stays in the body longer. Now, when you take synthetic hormones, whether it's progesterones or estrogen or testosterone or whatever synthetic fake hormones you are prescribed by your doctor, right? Again, you don't know, that's why you're here to learn. These hormones stay in your body, they stay in your body for six months. True natural hormones only stay in your body for 90 days. You hear me? So that is why when we take a product we feel great at the beginning and then we keep taking the same products and then We feel miserable because you have too much of it, So synthetic hormones like birth control hormones, like birth control contraceptive products will stay in your body Longer. So that is why when you stop taking the pill, you can't get your menses. You know how many patients I see, come into my clinic, they've stopped taking the pills like a year ago, they still cannot get the menstrual cycles? You know how many patients that I see in my clinic, they stop taking the pill, or they remove the IUD, or the patch, or whatever? They don't take the shots anymore and they have sputum. They don't have a well on period. Because the synthetic Hormones, they stay in your body longer. Natural hormones do not. Also, progestins again fake synthetic progesterone Increases the risk of breast cancer and messes up with the heart protective effects of estrogen Okay, and it stimulates estrogen to affect the abnormal cells so if you take estrogen and progestins Your risk for breast cancer or your risk for cancer goes. increases. If you take estrogen and natural progesterone, your risk for cancer decreases. Okay. So when you hear the word, Oh, hormones causes cancer, that's, I mean, I believe the same thing too, right? Until I, I really buried myself in the studies and helping me and helping my patients, helping family members and reading the literature and being part of the, um, natural. Um, North American, um, Menopause Society and, you know, looking at the, you know, studies that, the research studies that, you know, conducted, talking to practitioners in that, um, organization, I'm learning that no, hormones, Do not like will hormones now your natural hormones by a natural by identical hormones do not cause Cancer, it's the synthetic ones cause cancer Okay, so again in there was a study done in 2010 that revealed that estrogen plus progestin fake progesterone Increases your risk for breast cancer. Now, let's talk about natural progesterone Right? So I just did a whole spiel about progesterone, how bad it is for you. Now let's talk about the good one. Natural progesterone is what you need because it has a calming effect, right? Like it can literally mellow you out if you have the right dosage. Again, everything goes back to looking at the hormonal panel that you did to look at the progesterone to see how low it is and how much supplementation you need to do, right? To have those benefits. Natural progesterone helps with depression. It is anti inflammatory, helps with sleep, helps with headaches, balances estrogen. If you're on estrogen, you need progesterone. Okay? If you're on progesterone, you don't really need estrogen. But if you're on estrogen, you need progesterone. You hear me? Even if you have high progesterone, as you are decreasing that level, At one point, your practitioner needs to look at your results, your test results, to see when to put you back on it at a very low dose. Because not only protects the uterus, protects the brain, it helps with sleep, It helps with libido, like you really need to make sure you have a good balance. It lowers blood pressure, natural progesterone. Lowers cholesterol, natural progesterone. Helps with weight loss. It is a natural diuretic, meaning that it helps remove excess fluid from the body. remember progestins I mentioned a few seconds ago from the birth control products, how it, you know, creates weight gain and fluid retention, but natural progesterone do not. As a matter of fact, it helps, like, helps you pee out the excess fluid. It helps with conversion of thyroid hormones. Like all these hormones, they work together. You cannot ignore your thyroid hormones and focus on sex hormones. Unless you don't need to do anything with that, But you need to look at all your hormones when you test your hormonal panel. It increases libido, I mentioned that. It increases hair growth, natural progesterone. It helps with moods, brain health, bone, and immunity. That's how beautiful progesterone is. Natural progesterone does not increase the risk for cancer, which I said that already. There are so many studies that shows that. so I don't have to, I can get off my soapbox now. Because, again, just like, I was just like my patients telling me, you know, believe in that. If I were to do bioidentical hormone replacement therapies or any hormones, I would get breast cancer. But I, again, you don't know what you don't know, and what you don't know can hurt you. So, once you really study. And you look at the, you know, all the research studies, like, and you see new research coming out, they are saying something different. So, again, if you have too much progesterone, you can get a lot of symptoms. Too much of a good thing can backfire on you. You can have weight gain, increased appetite for carbs, fatigue, depression, high cholesterol, high fat storage. You can have increased insulin, low libido. from too much progesterone. Back aches, leg cramping, high stress hormones called cortisol, right? Poor immune system, causes gut issues, worsens your sexual desire. Check your hormones. Progesterone is a wonderful hormone. I really like it. I really, really, really, really like it. And that is one of the hormones that I will have my patients, you know, treat my patients with first. As we are detoxifying and looking at other ways. But progesterone, I feel like we all need to be on progesterone, again, with the right dosage, Because not too often I see high progesterone, it's very rare. I see high progesterone, I see high testosterone, I see high, you know, estrogen. But elevated progesterone is very rare. Like, the good one, the natural one, not the fake one. So again, you have to look at the dosage, but one thing I need you to understand, which I mentioned, you have to make sure you got a good ratio of estrogen, progesterone. If you have PCMS, perimenopausal, postmenopausal, you might need a higher dosage and you need to do multiple panels, hormonal panels, and you need your practitioner to look, to monitor and look at your results every so often. Alright, and there is, I had a patient that came to me, not too long ago, she is on a natural progesterone produced by Big Pharma called Pometrium, Maybe some of you might know what I'm talking about. So there's a product out there called Pometrium It is a natural bioidentical progesterone produced by Big Pharma And patients would tell me, well, I am on it. One thing I have to say about this one, when you are prescribed your progesterone, you have to also look at the base. like the base. How do, how they making it? Like, what is the base of that hormone? Because this natural progesterone, promethium, the base is Peanut oil. That's the reason why the patient came to me. She was having a lot of hives and itchiness, internal itchiness. And when we look at the natural progesterone that she was prescribed on, we found that it was a peanut oil base. And if you're allergic to peanuts, you have any type of nut allergy or sensitivities, then this product can really Like, affect your health, right? Produces more histamine production. You might find yourself having more allergies as this patient was just, her allergies was getting worse and worse and worse and she couldn't identify why. She has a HEPA filter. She has all the things. She's eating healthy. But again, when we look at the product she was prescribed, we found that there was a high level of not, so as a recap, because I love progesterone, I'm going to recap, progesterone is very safe at the right dose. It helps with sleep, hormonal headaches, has a role in metabolizing protein and carbs, helps raise your body temperature, it has a calming effect, a GABA neurotransmitter like activity, women that are not ovulating, happens to be more anxious, so when you take progesterone, it helps balance out anxiety. Helps balance estrogen activities, because when you have great estrogen, estrogen activities, it kind of calms the tissue to prevent accelerated growth, which will lead to cancer. Now, it works against blood clots. The good one. Many times after brain injury, like if you have a brain injury, like a traumatic brain injury, they'll prescribe progesterone because it does help with brain activity. It is a brain, it has a brain protective effect. Okay. Again, as a recap, progestin, progestin, which is the hormonal, you know, products out there causes clots. Okay. That's why if you are, if you have headaches, you have to be careful of this birth control products, oral contraceptive products, the pills and the aggregates, because you can literally put yourself at risk for blood clots. And these progestins, progestins are known to be carcinogenic. Alright, so at the end of this Facebook live, we're going to go over the same recommendations on how to really treat these symptoms or these hormone imbalance and what you should really discuss with your doctor. Okay? Now, let's talk about PCOS. Yay! Alright, PCOS, as many of you guys know, it is a hormonal imbalance. If you didn't know, now you do. If you have PCOS, you need to look at your hormones. Because it affects 10 to 20 percent of women in the U. S. I think it's more than that. I know so many people with PCOS. It can't possibly be 10 to 15 to 20%. But again, the research studies, the researchers are saying PCOS affects 15 to 20 percent of women in the U. S. It is the most common disorder in women of the productive age. PCOS and the second one is fibroids. They fall into the same category, estrogen dominance. It accounts for at least 80 percent of women who do not get the period. Now, if you don't get the period, we call that amenorrhea. If you get an infrequent period, like you don't get it every month, like we all should, You get it every, so often, every three months, every six months. That's called ogla, uh, oglo minoria. but we're gonna see my spirit. So if you don't have your period at all, you spend months without your period I need you to check for PCOS so it counts for 80 percent of women who do not get the period or have menstrual regularities oligorrhea, oligomenorrhea, sorry, oligomenorrhea 85 percent of women who have abnormal hair growth like hirsutism, like if you have hair here and places that you don't want hair to grow, you really need to evaluate for PCOS, According to the National Institute of Health, you need at least two, two or more of the following criteria to be diagnosed with PCOS. The first one again is absence of your menstruals, your periods, your bleed, amenorrhea, irregular period. Again, you don't get it every month. You get it, I don't know, every three months, every six months, like it's not every 28 days we're supposed to get it, really. Unless, you know, if you don't get it at all, you're in full menopausal, But I know people that skip periods. So we call that oligomenorrhea. So you have, that's one criteria. The second one, you have to have a lot of endogen hormone productions. What are your endogen hormones? I'm talking about your DHEA, that's endogen, and testosterone. So that's why patients with PCOS. They, they have a high testosterone, they have a high DHEA and or this is the second criteria and or you have lack of other reasons why you don't get your period or lack of other reasons why you get excess androgen hormones. Okay, or you went to your doctor and they did an ultrasound and you find out you have polycystic ovaries. You have multiple cysts on your ovaries. So these are criteria to be diagnosed with PCOS. Of course with all these symptoms you know, we're gonna mention but according to the National Institute of Health for you to have a true true true diagnosis of PCOS you need to have two of what I just mentioned. I mentioned four. You need to have two. Lack of menses, lack of period or bleed is one. Excess androgen hormones like testosterone and DHEA or DHT. Or, an ultrasound that shows multiple cysts, polycystic, poly means multiple, polycystic on your ovaries. Alright, if you have two or three, then you can literally say to yourself, you have PCOS. Because many patients will come to my clinic and I will ask them, how were you diagnosed? And they can't tell me. That's, you know, again, we have criteria we have to look at before we give you this. diagnosis. Now, what are the symptoms of PCOS? Weight gain, obesity, irregular or missed period, Depression, irritability, hair loss, hair thinning, abnormal hair growth, hair infertility, we can't get pregnant, or we have miscarriages, sleep difficulties, pelvic pain, and I've seen also people, not a lot, but some people can get seizure from this. What I need you to do is to test your hormones. What are you gonna test for? We're gonna test for your androgen hormones. Androgen hormones like testosterones and DHEA and DHC. We're gonna test for estrogen because I just mentioned earlier today that if you have PCOS, you have too much estrogen. But when you test for your estrogen, I need you to test for E one, which is estrogen. Remember, estrogen, there are three types of estrogen, so I want your doctor to test for the right one, not just, I don't wanna see on the blood test estrogen, like, I don't know, like estrogen is a total estrogen. You need to test for the one that is. in excess, okay? And you also have to test your insulin, Whether you're skinny or not, doesn't matter. I want you to test for your LH, luteinizing hormone, and follicular stimulating hormones. I want you to test for your inflammatory markers, C reactive protein, homocysteine, like there's so many things, because we need to identify the root cause. Of your pcos so with pcos you have an increase So let me just lay out how this works right like in very simple terms for you to understand because again I think more than 20 of women have pcos all those studies says 20 but i've seen so many but let me just tell you with PCOS, you have an increase in luteinizing hormone, You can test, you can do that with a blood test. You can test your LH, FSH with the blood test. Okay. That's those results. I will take them like I'm your doctor. These are, they will give you, you know, accurate results, blood tests, but the hormones, saliva. I think we get this. So you have an increase with LH. You have a decrease in follicular stimulating hormone, FSH, which leads to an excess production of testosterone and androgen hormones, okay, like DHEA and testosterone, That will increase circulating estrogen. Estrom E1. With high estrom E1, you have low progesterone. That's how we have PCOS. Low LH. High, I mean, I'm sorry, high LH, low FSH. Which leads to more production of testosterone and DHEA, DHEAS. That's why we have to test your DHEA. That's a blood test, you can do that. Estrom E1, you have way too much of that. Because you have too much of estrogen, because PCOS is an estrogen dominant condition, you have low progesterone. So when you go to your doctor, I want you to tell your doctor exactly that. Test all the things, like your testosterone, your, all the endogen hormones, your insulin, your C reactive protein, your glucose, your homocysteine, your LH, FSH. Like, I need you to test all that plus your other hormones to really see where you need to focus the most and what you need to do in terms of, you know, balancing so that you can really Decrease the symptoms of PCOS that I just mentioned. Now let's talk about the causes of PCOS. You're like, okay, Dr. Genzi, I know what I'm going to ask my doctor for. Thank you so much. Like literally, this is information you will, like, people go to school for and pay for. I'm giving to you for free. Because again, if I can influence one individual, like if you can literally write these things down, you take them back to your doctor, your doctor is going to look at you like, uh, Wow, you're a very smart person and you are a very smart person. You just didn't know. Now, you know, like you can literally know what to look for to really help manage your PCOS or your symptoms or heal from PCOS, whatever you choose to do. I'm telling you today because I am telling you, I got so many patients with PCOS. And fibroids, and fibrocystic breast disease, endometriosis, like what are so many people with hormonal imbalance and they don't know what to look for. They at the mercy of the doctors. Yes, the doctors went to school and that's what they do. And many of them would love to help you. But if you come already prepared and educated. You know, that 15 minute conversation, or 20 minutes, or whatever, however many minutes you spend with your doctor, can be a productive one. Because you know exactly what to ask for, when the doctor give you that blood script, or that, you know, hormone script. You know exactly what to look for in that hormone script. You're not going to be clueless. I don't know, like you're gonna look at the script like, okay, let me see. I have PCOS. It's my doctor testing for LH and FSH and insulin and testosterone and DHEA and progesterone and estrone Like you're literally gonna look at that list and then you're gonna say okay These are the things I need to test for now. Let's talk about what what causes PCOS I'm sure you want to know because I wanted to know I'm like, hmm. I wonder what causes PCOS. Now many believe there is a genetic component to PCOS. Because many people with PCOS has, many people with PCOS have either a sister that has, that had it, has it, or mother with PCOS, So there's a gene, there's a gene. that triggers a higher than normal production of androgen hormones and insulin. Insulin is a hormone and that gene is called folistatin. I didn't know that. Folistatin. Wow. I'm like, wow, there's a gene out there. So if you're curious to know if you have that gene because your mom had it, a sister had it, a family member had it, You think it's genetic. You can literally go to your doctor or genetic expert and be like, I want you to test for the gene that triggers A high production of androgen hormones, aka testosterone or DHEA. Or you can just test testosterone and DHEA. Uh, and insulin, And the gene's name is folistatin. F O L L I S T A T I N. Doesn't that sound like a statin medication? No, it's the gene. So the gene is called folistatin. So that's one cause of PCOS. It's a genetic condition. Again, it's a genetic condition. I have my own thing about that, but we're going to leave it as that because I want to give you the information that I've researched. A second cause of PCOS is insulin resistance. Insulin decreases the sex hormone binding globulin. What is that? The sex hormone binding globulin is a protein that is produced mostly in the liver, made in the liver, and its job is to bind to hormones. So when you have high insulin, right, insulin resistance, you have too much insulin, and this, you have a reduction in sex hormone binding globulin. It's a little science y, stay with me. So therefore, it's not binding to testosterone. You have higher circulating testosterone in your body. Again, PCOS, androgen hormone, testosterone, DHEA. Because the liver is not making enough, sex hormone binding globulin, which is a protein in the liver, it's not binding to sex hormones, and you have those hormones that are just float, floating around like testosterone. So that's a different, that's the second cause of PCOS. The third one is high DHEA. Again, you can literally go to your doctor and get tested for that. That test is covered by insurance. You're welcome. Obesity, high estrogen, predominantly. Estrom, which is E1, again, that you can determine that on a hormonal panel. We call that estrogen dominance. Another cause of PCOS, which I think is very prominent, like very, very high, are toxins, okay? Toxins, phthalate, BPA, Mercury, cadmium, environmental toxins, more toxicity. heavy metal toxicity, like those toxins are adding up, right? And those toxins can also interfere with the liver metabolism, the liver producing the sex hormone biline globulins. Those toxins can also affect your cells from producing more, you know, progesterone. So toxins, toxins, toxins. That is why, as I mentioned before in my, in IG Live today. Everybody needs to detox. Even if you're in perfect health, like I detox three times per year. I'm about to do one in January. We're about to open our hormone and sex survival program, and every single human being will get a detox. You need to detox. So, but again, toxins from our food, toxins from our personal care products, toxins from the perfume that we wear, toxins from the makeup, toxins from the products, you know, put in our hair, toxins from the plugins, toxins from the Febreze, toxins can also lead to PCOS, a high toxicity, elevated prolactin, stress. That's why we need to check for your stress hormones. Hypothyroidism. Remember the Thai word has a lot to do with all these hormones, can also be a cause of PCOS. PCOS, now when you have PCOS, this can lead to infertility. A lot of people cannot make babies. They cannot get pregnant because of PCOS. you have all this cysts and your ovaries. Yeah, and the eggs is produced by, in the ovaries, I mean. I think it's common sense, right, for you to have infertility issues, or if you were to get pregnant, you can't keep the baby, have miscarriage. So, when you detox, and then you identify the hormones that needs to be balanced, and you identify the root cause of PCOS. That will create more room and opportunity for us to have babies. PCOS leads to diabetes Duh, because of insulin resistance, Like you have high insulin Diabetes PCOS also leads to hormone related cancers again high estrogen Right estrogen dominance cannot create an accelerated growth of the cells And we get cancer. Low progesterone doesn't really affect the, doesn't really balance the estrogen. So you have, hormone related cancers, like ovarian cancers, of course, multiple ovaries, uh, heart disease, and also increased lipids. so what are the treatments for PCOS? You can have surgeries, you know, a lot of doctors are recommending surgical procedures for PCOS But before you do that, if that's what you choose to do, that's awesome But as a natural, holistic, functional medicine doc, I want you to really explore all your options You should never put all your eggs in one basket, even with functional medicine. Never do that Really sit down and explore all your actions and when you do explore your actions, also look at your pros and cons Okay, if I were to do surgery, am I going to get scar tissues? Like really look at all the advantages and disadvantages of surgery. But the most common treatment that I've seen coming to my clinic is medication. A lot of people are being prescribed birth control pills. We just talk about progestins, And those birth control, contra, oral contraceptive methods. They are being prescribed those medications or metformin, How many times are we prescribed metformin for PCOS because of insulin resistance, right? But even if you have insulin, I mean, I've seen patients with PCOS and insulin is not elevated because it's not one cause of PCOS. PCOS has multiple causes. That's why you have to test and not guess because you don't want to take metformin because as we know metformin depletes our nutrients. B vitamins give us stomach issues. CoQ10. So if you are gonna take metformin, that's what you used to do, you choose to do, make sure you are also supplementing to counteract the effect of this nutritional deficiencies that I see many of my patients encounter when they take metformin. Of course, herbal remedies. That's my fave. For PCOS, there are so many herbs out there, I mean, alright, there's never one way to fix a problem. Never! Like, if you were to go to your house, can you think how many ways you can go, you drive to your house? So many routes you can take, so it's the same thing when it comes to your health, it's never one thing, but so often we forget. we forget we just run to our doctors and get a pill. You always have to identify other ways, your options so herbal remedies, which I use in my practice, you have to balance your hormones. progesterone, estrogen Testosterone, DHEA, like balance your hormone. Whey Plus can significantly help with PCOS Stress management, look at those cortisol and cortisone hormones. vitamins, you know, like vitamin D is really good. B6, vitamin E, magnesium, anti inflammatory herbs, chromium, alpha lipoic acid will help with PCOS because they, you know, help with insulin resistance. Adaptogenic herbs, right? So many things you can do for PCOS. I never want you to think that it's one thing. So many things you can do. Of course, healthy eating. healthy eating is huge because if you keep eating the same way you keep adding toxins to your toxic load You're not gonna get a different result So the number one recommendation I have for my patients because when they come to my clinic we do a consultation I'm not prescribing anything on the first visit I'm investigating on the first visit, but I always say you need to go home and start eating healthy. Give them some recommendations So the number one thing you can do to help address PCOS, PMS, estrogen dominance, endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease, fibroids, hair loss Yes. Weight gain. Like whatever symptoms or illnesses you're faced with is to start eating healthy. Look at the diet you have now, it's not serving you, and make changes. Little changes all the time. You don't have to just literally give up all your food, all your meals. I'm not asking you to do that. Baby steps, little changes all the time. Again, that is why I want you to get access to my Hormone Balancer Recipes. My Hormone Balancer Recipe Guide. It's free. You can get started with that. Now, how should you go about fixing these problems with your doctor? It is the same recommendations, the same things. I'm going to tell you. I have six. six things you need to do and those six things is not only for hormone imbalance, it's for all the things, all your health issues. First, you got to test. Never guess. I kind of like that. So you have to do a full hormone panel. I recommend saliva for the sex hormones and then you can do blood for thyroid hormones and DHEA, luteinizing hormone, follicular stimulating hormones, like and your anti inflammatory markers. You can do blood tests. Those are covered by insurance. But when you want to check your sex hormone, the three types of estrogen and progesterone and testosterone and DHEA and You can do both. You can do, for the HA, you can do saliva, which I prefer. It includes in the panel. And you want to look at your cortisol and cortisol, like melatonin, hormones, like so many things. You can do saliva. so you have to test. But you're going to say, well, Dr. G, how do I get the test? You have to work with a practitioner. That knows these things. Do not waste your time, money, and energy resources on doctors that cannot help you. Do the due diligence. Call. Ask questions. Hi, my name is Dr. Jente. Do you deal with hormone imbalance? Hi, my name is Dr. Jente. Can I speak to the doctor and see if he or she can help me? Do you guys offer free consultation phone calls? We call ours natural healing assessment call, whatever they call it. They can call it discovery call, whatever. And then when you get on that phone, you ask all your questions. I was diagnosed with this and this and this and that. And my doctors did this and this and this and that all the tests. And I still feel this and this and that, this is what I'm doing. Can you help? Can you deal with that? Like you gotta speak to your doctor. If you did that, your doctor does not have an opportunity for you to speak to them before you hire them, then do your research, go on the website, Call the office. I'll still call the office. I'm like, I have this problem, this doctor deal, deal with this problem.'cause if you do not work with a practitioner that can help you, it's like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping that doctor can help you. So when you do tests and we don't guess, you are literally identifying, the root cause. Like you identifying the root cause. That is the first step to healing your body. That is the first step for everything. Whether in a relationship or you have financial issues, always find the root cause. Is the root cause because you spent too much money on Christmas, now you broke? I don't know. What is the root cause? Is it the root cause because you need to change career to make more money? You know, like whatever always identify the root cause and you can do that through testing a physical full consultation with a doctor Evaluating your symptoms or connecting with yourself. There's so many things you can do to identify the root cause. I love testing so this is the third thing. I mean the second thing and the third thing you should do should detox Like I don't care if you're healthy or not. You need to detox. You need to detox. I believe that every single human being is living right now in this planet, in this country, United State of America. Toxic. we are the sickest country, developed country, the sickest one. We need to detox. You need to detox. You need to remove environmental toxic, toxicities, heavy metal toxicities, like all this water and the cups that we use. You need to detox. That's the third thing you need to do. And the fourth one, you need to really sit with yourself, take inventory of your current lifestyle and make changes. Are you exercising enough? Are you improving your sleep? Are you managing stress? Are you drinking enough water? Do you need to lose weight? Do you need to incorporate some supplements, Like, are you going to, are you constipated? If you're constipated, you're holding on to toxins. How are you supposed to heal if you're, you have like, you know, toxin stasis in your body? You need to detox, like remove those toxins out of your body. do you need to improve your gut health? Like literally, are you tired all the time? Like, will you look at your lifestyles? Are you drinking tons of cup of coffee? Stimulants, Like, what can you do to change your lifestyle? That's number four. Number five, always think about evaluating herbal therapies. As I mentioned a few seconds ago, you should never put all your eggs in one basket. I'm gonna say it again. There are so many herbs. I'm a full testament. And my patients will tell you, we don't do medications in my practice. If I prescribe, it's only for three days, maybe maximum a week. Cause I don't, I'm not poor medications forever. I will give you some steroids in a blink of an eye. Yeah, I will. I mean, if you have a massive Hives, like you're about to have an affelective shock. I'm gonna give you something, If you come to IV, like those herbs is not gonna I'm gonna give you something. So yes, I prescribe. I do prescribe. I prescribe medications. But guess what? Only for a few days. I always look at herbal therapies, things I can do with herbs, with nature. Because our ancestors used herbs. They didn't have big pharma, although we weren't as sick as we are now. But trust me, people still had menopause, perimenopause, even ages and centuries ago. They didn't know what it was. What did they do? They just went in the backyard, get some herbs. Make some tea for PMS, make some tea for menopause, make some tea for hormonal imbalance. And I have those herbs. I have an herbal concussion formulation for PMS. I have an herbal concussion formulation for menopause. I have one for sleep. I have one for stress. Like literally, you get all, like all of these herbs in my hormone and sex survival program. Chinese herbs are very effective, very, very effective. Don't be afraid of nature, please. You can do your medications, but if your goal is to get off meds, or decrease the meds, Once you do, you know, identify the cause, you find a practitioner that can actually prescribe those herbs, and you detox, and you make some changes in your lifestyle, you need to incorporate herbs. And then the last one, which I mentioned 300 times already, is healthy eating. You cannot replace healthy eating with all this, with anything. Like, you need to eat healthy. You need, eating is like putting gas in your car. I don't know anybody that can survive that's healthy that's not eating. Again, the way you eat. Previously is different with the way you eat now to balance your hormones. And it was like amazing when I realized that. I'm like, wow, that's why what I was doing before weren't working. I really have to change my healthy eating habits. So I'm gonna say it again, and I know Marilyn dropped the links in here. You need to grab my hormone Balancer recipes for eating healthy. If you're part of my hormone and sex survival program, the full program, you get like tons of recipes, But if you're not part of my program, you're like, I just need to get started. I don't know where to go because It's the food that I'm, you know, the food that I'm eating that will literally give me the results that I want. I'm confused, My doctor's not telling me what to eat. I don't want to hire a nutritionist yet. It's 2024. I would love to start the year differently than I am in 2023. I don't want to have the fatigue and the sluggishness and the brain fog. I don't want to have bloat and gas and constipation. I would love to have brighter skin. I want to get rid of my acne. I really want to get rid of my hormone issues. You can start with eating healthy as you are navigating the different aspects of this journey. Balancing your hormones is a multifactorial process. It's not one thing. You're not going to eat all the chia seeds and be like, Oh, my hormones are balanced. But I have to tell you, like me, I didn't take hormone replacement therapies. I did not. When I was going through my perimenopause, as I mentioned earlier, my Instagram live, I didn't know it was perimenopause. My depression was all tie high. My anxiety, like when everything else was good, practice is good. Business is good. My family is very supportive. I felt like shit. Now I'm cursing. It's like, I don't know what the heck was going on in my body. I'm like, I don't understand. Why do I feel sluggish? Why is my brain not functioning? I don't get brain fog. What is this? I have a baby and I have brain fog? What the heck? So I really had to really hone in into my diet. My healthy eating. And if you live in my household, my family will tell you, I don't mess around with all these grains. I don't. I am the difficult person in the house. I'm the one that doesn't eat all the trash food. Like I don't tell people what to eat. Unless you pay me, you hire me, but for me and my body and my health, because I need this to function. I use my brain 90 percent of the time with the work that I do now. As a practitioner, I don't work in an emergency room anymore. I do not work in the urgent care. I'm not on my feet running up and down. I sit at a desk. I do consultation. I look at patient's cases. I evaluate blood work. I consult with patients. I use this a lot. So if I start losing this, Oh, this will not be good for my practice. People pay me money. They'll be very unhappy. And so far, so good. All my patients are happy. If they do the work that I'm asking them to do, that they pay for, they are consistent. They reach out to me. Like I literally provide high touch, high level care, but I couldn't do that if I did not fix my brain. And what did I do? I went back to herbs. I contacted my herbalist. I'm like, dude, like, I don't know what's going on here. Like, I think I have some, something is wrong with me. And then we look at the herbs that are formulated from centuries ago, some Chinese, Chinese medicine. And I tried those herbs. They taste very earthy. I'm not going to lie to you. It's not the best taste, but they did the work. And I also did some progesterone. natural cream. So again, if all the things I'm recommending my hormone and sex survival program, I've tried on myself, Maryland, I've tried them. Len had tried them like other part of my family have tried them. But I want you to understand that when it comes to balance your hormone, these are the things you need to do. I don't want you to focus on just one thing. Okay? If you are, using hormone replacement therapies and you're not seeing results, like the pellets are not working, the cream, the vagina cream, the patches, the pill, whatever. They are not working. I want you to really take a step back, ask yourself, did you do, did I, in other words you, do a hormone panel, saliva hormone panel. Am I on the right dose of this hormone replacement therapies that I'm being prescribed? Do I need to detox? How's my diet? Do I need to make changes in my lifestyle? How am I stress level? Do I need to lose weight? Like all, these are all the questions I have to ask myself. And those are the things that we are not doing and that's why we're not seeing results. Yes, it can be very challenging and it can be a pain in the butt sitting with yourself and ask those questions, but how bad do you want it? How bad do you want to be healthy to regain your sex drive, your libido, to lose the weight, to have brighter skin, not to lose your hair? How bad do you want it? If you say, I really want it really bad, Dr. J, I'm telling you exactly what to do. I'm telling you exactly what to do. Those six things you need to do, all six, to heal your body. If you hire a practitioner that can help with all six, it is a breeze, because you're not alone on this journey. You have someone with you and that person's gonna guide you Gonna give you the tools and the resources that you need to get you from point A to point B That's exactly what I do for my patients. Alright, so this is it. We talked about PCOS Hopefully it was simple. It wasn't too complicated because my goal is to give you the information that is simple for you to understand and take it back to your practitioner. Marilyn, thank you Marilyn. She dropped a few links in the comment section here. You see the, the link to get my hormone balancer recipe. Guide it's free and also if you're interested in speaking with me and what I said here resonating with you like oh I want to know more about this. You can schedule a natural healing assessment call. It is free I do not sell you on the call because I know many that pH people are afraid they're like, oh no No, I want you to be into alignment what I'm saying And I want you to really fill in to fill it into your body into your bone what you need to do But I just want to speak to you. So to see if you're on the right path so you can do two things. You can grab the natural healing assessment course, I mean schedule the natural healing assessment course, 20 minutes, with me. Or you can grab the hormone balancer recipe, your choice. So next week, what are we going to talk about? Next week, we're going to talk about testosterone. Ooh, male hormones. No, female get it too. We, we produce testosterone. Did you know we have to produce testosterone first before we make estrogen? Yeah, in the ovaries. testosterone, And there's enzymes that turn testosterone to estrogen. We're going to talk about it next week. So we're going to talk about testosterone. I also have an upcoming webinar because there's so much information. Oh my God. Hormones and weight gain, hormones in your brain, hormones in your sex drive, hormones in your mental health, like so many things. And. It will take me forever to give you all this information. So I'm putting together a webinar. Once I have the link available, I will release it and you can come, you can learn, you can ask questions, you can see how I can help you. But next week we'll talk about testosterone and DHEA. I just told you, I love two things, progesterone and DHEA. Love me some progesterone and DHEA. I love DHEA. I'm going to go over like why I love DHEA and of course not all DHEAs, DHEAs created equal because you might be saying, well, Dr. J, I was on DHEA, I felt nothing. Again, not all supplements are created equal. You have to work with a practitioner that actually looks, you know, like at the formulation that is active. So your body doesn't have to convert it. So next week, testosterone and DHEA. And then on the webinar that I'm, I'm putting together, we're going to talk about hormonal imbalance, menopause, perimenopause, like all the menopause talk. We're going to do that because again, it's so broad, And I'm also going to talk about therapies that I use with therapies on the webinar. I cannot do this here because again, I don't want to give you medical advice. This is just for education only. But when you are present on the webinar, you give us consent, verbal consent, and you come. to sit and listen to that information is a different game. All right. So again, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I know I did. And thank you so much for your help. and for your support. And I would love for you to share this Facebook live. I know it's long. Cause again, it's, I can just, I can talk about this all night. Like I have so much energy after I've done this Facebook live. I don't know what to do with it because again, it's, I'm so passionate about it. I want you to know, I want you to know so you can stop suffering. So at least you can be educated and you know what to do, right? So please share this on Facebook live We are gonna put this on the podcast as well The prepared patient podcast if you want to listen to this while you're driving Cooking or you want to you know, share with somebody else you can get in the podcast next week but it is I I cannot say enough about hormonal imbalance, PCOS and PMS and estrogen and testosterone. I cannot say enough how critical it is to really get the right dosage, to really work with a practitioner who knows exactly what to do and a practitioner that's going to guide and monitor you and hold your hands. I feel like when you get on the hormonal imbalance, wagon, it's like driving a bicycle. You know how when you're a kid, you just get on the bicycle, you don't know what to do. You need somebody to hold, you know, hold you on the bicycle. Once you know what to do, you're like, Oh, I got this. I'm done. That's the same thing with hormonal imbalance. It's like you're learning how to ride a bike, And you keep, like, you don't want to fall down and not get up. And that's what's happening with many patients on hormonal replacement therapy. They get prescribed all these things, and they are feeling terrible, and they keep falling out, falling down, and they don't know what to get up, how to get up, and they get frustrated. All right, so I gotta go because I can stay here forever. So thank you so much If you are just joining us, you can just watch the replay again valuable information things that you need to do You need to know and of course, I'm gonna have it in the podcast Of course grab your free hormone balancer recipe. The link is right here in the comment section below Schedule a natural healing assessment call with me. I would love to talk to you and then I'll see you on the next Facebook live, which is next week Tuesday at 5 p. m Yeah, Tuesday at 5 p. m. We're gonna talk about maybe not Tuesday, Wednesday at 5 p. m. Because Monday is a holiday. We're not, we're closed. The clinic is closed and Tuesday. I'm very booked with patients I'm seeing patients all day long Wednesday at 5 p. m. But I'll post it We're going to talk about testosterone and DHEA, And I can't wait to give you that information. You have a fantastic rest of your evening and I'll see you next time. Bye. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for listening to this episode. Do me a favor. If you found this episode valuable, informative, and resonated with you. Please share, subscribe and leave a review. If you have any questions and need further assistance. You will see all of our contact information in the show notes below. Send us any questions you have, and then we'll be more than happy to help you until then. Stay tuned and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye-bye.